RSV Guidance Updated

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its RSV vaccine guidance for seniors for this upcoming respiratory viral season, saying the new recommendations are meant to simplify decision-making for patients and clinicians. The new guidance recommends that everyone over the age of 75 get the RSV vaccine, as well as anyone aged 60 to 74 who is “at increased risk of severe RSV.” Read more

Posted in RSV

More RSV Shots on the Way

December 14, 2023 The White House announced Thursday it struck a deal with drug manufacturers to make available 230,000 more doses of the respiratory syncytial virus shot for infants by January, amid a widespread shortage that’s had parents and pediatricians scrambling to find shots. The move comes after weeks of pressure from top Biden administration officials, who were speaking almost daily with the drug companies in an effort to ramp up supply, three people familiar with the matter told POLITICO. Read more The White House On Wednesday, senior Biden-Harris Administration officials met again with manufacturers of RSV immunizations including Sanofi and AstraZeneca Read More …

Posted in RSV