Webinar: Lyme Disease

Spring is finally here, and deer ticks will be sure to awaken and go about causing Lyme disease in your patients. Please have a look at this webinar which describes the epidemiology (with particular emphasis on Delaware), early recognition, and prevention of Lyme disease. It was jointly produced by the Medical Society of Delaware and the Delaware Division of Public Health, is offered at no cost, and is eligible for 1 unit of CME credit.   Learn more here.

PEDIATRICS: Adverse Vax Events Unlikely to Recur in Kids

Read the article on MedpageToday! Adverse events to vaccinations were unlikely to recur in pediatric patients when they were immunized again, a systematic literature review found. Risk of recurrence for serious adverse events following immunization, such as anaphylaxis, seizures, or apnea in term infants, was lower than 1%, reported Joseline Guetsop Zafack, MD, of Laval University in Quebec, and colleagues.

Webinar: Overcoming Challenges to Providing Adult Immunizations in Healthcare Systems

Becker’s Hospital Review invites you to attend this new webinar. WHEN: Thursday, August 31, 2017 | 10:00 – 11:00 CENTRAL TIME TOPICS: – Using data to conduct population-level assessments to determine where vaccine coverage can be improved – Getting involved with adult immunization advocates which can offer resources and support to improve adult immunization rates – Forming multidisciplinary teams of providers to champion adult immunization at your facility and actively engage in improving coverage levels Register here: http://go.beckershospitalreview.com/overcoming-challenges-to-providing-adult-immunizations-in-healthcare-systems

HPV Vaccination: Give it a Shot (or 2)

Presented by Debbie Saslow, PhD The American Cancer Society Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 2:00 pm ET Topics Include: the burden of HPV disease the scientific reasons behind the recommendation to vaccinate at age 11-12 ways that providers can decrease missed vaccination opportunities. Register here!